Analyze & Report: Explore Donations

Analyze & Report: Explore Donations

Explore Donations gives you a quick overview of past donations, making it easy to look for patterns, and compare past months and years.

Start by opening the Donations list under Fundraising, then click to expand Reports.

Choose Explore.  Define the starting month of your fiscal year. For this example, we are going to set April as the beginning of our fiscal year. 

Sumac then gives you an overview of your donations by year. Click to expand a year and get a month-by-month breakdown of your donations. 

When you click to select something, Sumac adds it up and shows the total in the status bar at the bottom of the window. Perhaps you want to look at donations made in the first quarter of a year. Select the first three months.  The status bar shows total donations for the first quarter of the fiscal year. 

You can also click to expand each month to see individual donations along with the donor’s name. 
You can then double click any donation to view Its details
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