Campaigns / Bulk Mail

Campaigns / Bulk Mail

From Silent Partner Cloud, go to Communications > Campaigns > Campaign Menu.


With Bulk Mail you have the option to view current, active campaigns or to create new campaigns. Campaigns can be either email campaigns or print campaigns.

In this example, we will create an email campaign, so we'll click on the "New Email Campaign" button.

Under "Campaign Name" provide a descriptive name for your email campaign, and select the Legacy Motivation code and/or Cloud Motivation code. 
Legacy Motivation codes come from the Desktop console; Cloud Motivation codes are specific to your Cloud set-up.


Provide an email account for the "from" address of your bulk email campaign, and provide the name that would go with the email, as well as an email address to which replies should be sent.

For more information on how to set up the "Account to send Mail From" read this article.

Next, you need to set up or select your template by clicking the "Select" button.

You can select an existing template or set up your own template by selecting "Blank Template" from the drop down.  For this example, we'll set up a new template, so we'll select "Blank Template" from the drop down. 

Name your template and add a description (2). Click "Save your Changes" (3).

Then scroll up and click "Preview" to see how it looks. Click done when you are finished.




T select the recipients click "Select Recipients for this Run."


There are several options for find and selecting recipients.  Under "Choose Donors From:" you can decide to select donors based on My Tags, Our Tags, Recipients of other Campaigns, or Donors I can View. To the right of the "Choose Donors From:" field is a second field which will change based on which option you select under "Choose Donors From:"

You can further refine your list by filtering the results. For example, if you select "Consent" under Filter you can filter out donors who have not given consent to receive emails.


Once you've selected your potential list (1) you will be able to select donors one by one by clicking the checkbox.  You can also select all donors by clicking on the green check on the right in the header.

Section (2) displays Issues and Warnings for your review.  For example: donors who do not have an email address, or donors who are flagged as No Mail.

When you are done checking off your donors, click on "Add to List."


As you add donors to your list, your Mailing List will fill up on the right hand side of the page. Click Done.

Click "Save Configuration" to save your work and then click "Send Email."


It takes time for the emails to be sent. The system will let you know when the job is done. You can monitor the status of your Mandrill emails with the Bounced Mail Report under My Reports

Emails bounce for different reasons: some bounces could happen the same day and others may trickle in over the next couple of days. A soft bounce may still go through but a hard bounce will not. You should remove email addresses when they hard bounce.

Once you are finished sending mail, check the "Click to close this campaign" box.


To create a print campaign, you would follow very similar steps, but at the end you download a file to print and mail.




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