How to build a custom contact list using List Builder

How to build a custom contact list using List Builder

List Builder lets you build a list of specific contacts by dragging and dropping them into the List Builder Window.  You can search across different areas of Sumac CRM, compile those results in one list, and then take advantage of the tools in the Contacts list window such as sending emails, creating customized letters, etc.

In this example, we'll build a contact list that includes your board members and any donors who have given in the last week. Open the Contacts area of Sumac and click the List Builder button. This will open the List Builder window.  Drag it to the side so that you can access the List Builder window and continue to work in Contacts.

To find your board members, open the contacts list, and search by contact type, board members. Select all the contacts and drag them into the Build Contacts List window.

To find donors who have given in the past week, open the donations list and search for donations received beginning a week ago.

Select all those donations and drag them into the Build Contact List window as you did with the list of Board Members.

If you want to exclude specific contacts from your list, click to select them. Holding down the Ctrl key allows you to select multiple Contacts. Then click remove.

Now you have a customized contact list built from searches in different lists. When you’re done building your list, click Select All then click Show Contacts. This shows the selected contacts in the contacts list window.

You now have all the power of the contacts list window including the ability to send emails, create customized letters, and print labels, and more.

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