How to enter a new Pledge

How to enter a new Pledge

In your Sumac console, expand Fundraising, and choose Pledges. Click New to open a new pledge record. 

Once the new pledge record opens, select the contact who is making this pledge by clicking the contact icon. 

The Commitment Date for this pledge is set to today’s date, but you can change it by clicking this calendar button, or by typing in a different date.

Next, choose the Pledge Status.

Frequency (months) defines the number of months between payments. Zero means a one-time payment, or that you do not know how often the donor will be making donations toward this pledge.  If this is for a monthly donor, enter “1”, which tells Sumac that one donation will be made toward this pledge every month.

Enter the day of the month that the pledge payment should be processed. In our example, we'll use the 9th.  Then enter the first payment date for this pledge. For this example, we'll specify that the first payment date is December 9, 2022.

You can also specify the last payment date for this pledge. For example, perhaps Lauren Bailey has promised to donate once a month for one year. In that case, the last payment date would be November 9, 2023.

For recurring monthly donors, leave the last payment date blank.

The Last Payment Date field can be made optional or mandatory in your database by your Sumac administrator. 

Specify the recurring payment amount for this pledge. We'll enter $50 in the Recurring Payment Amount Field.

If the pledge will not be paid in regularly occurring payments, choose “Irregular Payments” and enter the total amount that will be donated as in the example below.

Information in the pledge record is used to automatically create donation records as the monthly payments are processed. You must define donation record details and payment details so that Sumac can create the donation and payment records for you.

Choose a Donation Type for payments towards this pledge, such as “Pledge” or “Monthly Pledge.” You could also enter applicable Event, Campaign, Fund or Account details.

Click the Payment button to enter payment details for this pledge.

Choose the appropriate payment type. In our example, we'll select Visa as the payment type. You can enter their credit card details here.

Click OK to save the payment details, then click OK to save the pledge. Sumac asks you to confirm the number of donations and total amount for this pledge.

Click Yes, and Sumac saves the pledge into your database.

Note that you need to process your pledges. Read this article to find out how.

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